Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/div)

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ArbeitgeberMax Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Gepostet am20.09.2024
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We are seeking a highly motivated and talentedPostdoctoral Researcher (f/m/div)to join our dynamic research team in the field of spintronic materials and devices.Topic: Strain Free All Heusler Alloy Junctions (SAHAJ) - Theoretical ResearchTo theoretically conduct individual and collaborative research projects, duties include modelling of ferrimagnetic materials and interpretation of research data use of appropriate research techniques and methods writing up of research results and dissemination through publications, seminar, and conference presentations to conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Hirohata and to contribute to the production of research.Project overviewSpintronics is anticipated to replace current semiconductor-based memories and sensors based on fast-operating times (˂ ns) and low power consumption (˂ pJ per read / write operation). The spintronic devices typically consist of a magnetoresistive junction with a free ferromagnet / oxide barrier or non-magnet / pinned ferromagnet trilayer and may suffer from edge-domain formation and leakage current through the barrier by further miniaturization (˂ 10 nm in cell diameter). To avoid such obstacles, antiferromagnetic spintronics has recently been developed by introducing spin-orbit torque which can reduce the power consumption by over two orders of magnitude but contain critical raw materials.ln this transformative project, we aim to develop a ferrimagnetic Heusler alloy film, in which the magnetic properties will be controlled by substituting the constituent element to achieve compensated ferrimagnetism (effectively the same as antiferromagnetism), sandwiched by weak and strong ferrimagnet in a single-step deposition. This will be achieved based on our Heusler alloy database developed recently through existing collaborations. The selected alloy(s) without using critical raw materials will be grown by dedicated combinatorial sputtering under low pressure and characterized by conventional structural and magnetic analysis as well as non-destructive imaging we have developed and synchrotron-beam imaging at the Paul Scherrer lnstitute. Such atomic engineering can offer a new way for material development for low-power electronics. The simplified growth process for a junction without any interfacial scattering is adoptable for future spintronic devices as will be demonstrated using the 2OO mm wafer production line at IMEC by the end of this project.Hence this proposed project will reveal both fundamental magnetic coupling in a ferrimagnetic alloy and atomic control of the alloy for new growth process, which can revolutionize spintronic device production.Requirements qualification: PhD in theoretical physics / materials science / electronic engineering / computer science knowledge of: spintronics / magnetism to engage in high quality theoretical research, modelling a crystalline structure and crystallization process (namely on Heusler alloys), calculating crystallization energy against lattice strain using first principles, simulating a band structure with / without atom substitution, machine learning for materials search and ab initio calculations on alloys knowledge on: modelling spin-polarized electron transport across an all Heusler alloy junction skills: highly developed communication skills to engage effectively with a wide-ranging audience, both orally and in writing using a range of media, ability to write up research work for publication in high profile journals and engage in public dissemination, competency to conduct individual and collaborative research projects, and competence to make presentations at conferences or exhibit work in other appropriate events Our offer conduct theoretical and modelling research in the area of materials development for spintronic devices have access to cutting-edge laboratory facilities, collaborative research opportunities, and a vibrant academic environment competitive salary according to the German public pay scale (TVöD); the appointment is for two years (extension possible) The Max Planck Society strives for gender and diversity equality. We welcome applications from all backgrounds.The Max Planck Society is committed to increase the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.We actively support the reconciliation of work and family life.Your applicationPlease submit your application to by September 30, 2024, including the following documents: curriculum vitae one-page letter of motivation certificates and transcripts and a statement of past research accomplishments list of publications names and email addresses of two academic references Applications will be accepted immediately until the position is filled. We look forward to your application.