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Alle JobsHelmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ | Teamleitung Promoting Talent (d/m/w)
Das UFZ schätzt Vielfalt und setzt sich aktiv für die Chancengleichheit aller Beschäftigten unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung, des Alters und der sexuellen Identität ein.Wir freuen uns auf Menschen, die diverse Hintergründe, Identitäten und Perspektiven repräsentieren. Daher ermutigen wir insbesondere Menschen, die von struktureller Diskriminierung betroffen sind, sich bei uns zu bewerben.Arbeitsort:Leipzig, mobiles ... Weiterlesen ...Jobbeschreibung
Das UFZ schätzt Vielfalt und setzt sich aktiv für die Chancengleichheit aller Beschäftigten unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung, des Alters und der sexuellen Identität ein.Wir freuen uns auf Menschen, die diverse Hintergründe, Identitäten und Perspektiven repräsentieren. Daher ermutigen wir insbesondere Menschen, die von struktureller Diskriminierung betroffen sind, sich bei uns zu bewerben.
Leipzig, mobiles Arbeiten möglich
100 % (39 h/Woche)
Der Arbeitsplatz ist für eine Besetzung in Vollzeit oder in Teilzeit geeignet.
befristet / 2 Jahre – unbefristet bei Bewerbungen aus ungekündigten und unbefristeten Arbeitsverhältnissen
nach TVöD bis zur Entgeltgruppe 14 inklusive der Sozialleistungen des öffentlichen Dienstes
Fragen zur Stelle beantwortet Ihnen gerne:
Dr. Anne-Katrin Federow
Bitte reichen Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung über unser Online-Portal, inklusive Ihres Motivationsschreibens und relevanter Anlagen ein. Um eine faire Auswahl zu gewährleisten, reichen Sie bitte Ihren Lebenslauf ohne Foto, Altersangabe oder Familienstandsinformationen ein.
Jetzt bewerben
Weitere Karriereinformationen über das UFZ:
Helmholtz-Zentrum für
Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Das Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ hat sich mit seinen 1.100 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern als internationales Kompetenzzentrum für Umweltwissenschaften einen hervorragenden Ruf erworben.
Wir sind Teil der größten Wissenschaftsorganisation Deutschlands – der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. Unsere Mission: Wir forschen für eine Balance zwischen gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung und langfristigem Schutz unserer Lebensgrundlagen – für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Teamleitung Promoting Talent (d/m/w)
Die Stelle
Für unser neu aufgestelltes Team »Promoting Talent« suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine engagierte Teamleitung. Wir verfolgen einen systemischen Ansatz des Talentmanagements: Im Team »Promoting Talent« werden die Personalentwicklung und Programme für alle Mitarbeitenden sowie für spezifische Zielgruppen, der Welcome- und Sprachservice für internationale Mitarbeitende und Serviceangebote zur Unterstützung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie sowie der Unternehmenskultur gebündelt.
Ihre Aufgaben
Leitung des Teams »Promoting Talent« mit den o. g. Kernaufgaben der Personalentwicklung
Strategische Neuausrichtung des neu aufgestellten Teams »Promoting Talent« am UFZ im Kontext nationaler und internationaler Entwicklungen im Wissenschaftssystem unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Stakeholder, Schnittstellen und des Teams
Konzeption, Durchführung sowie Evaluation eines zielgruppenspezifischen Programms zur Personalentwicklung für Fach- und Führungskräfte in wissenschaftlichen, technischen und administrativen Bereichen, insb. Implementierung eines Führungskräfte-Curriculums, Angebote zur Karriereberatung und -planung und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung von Promovierenden und Postdocs, Teamentwicklung und Konfliktmanagement
Identifikation zentrumsweiter Qualifizierungs-/Weiterbildungsbedarfe, Entwicklung von Präsenz- und digitalen Formaten, inkl. Auswahl von und Zusammenarbeit mit geeigneten Dienstleistern
Entwicklung von Kompetenz- und Anforderungsprofilen, insb. für verschiedene Karrierewege innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft sowie eines entsprechenden Assessments und begleitenden Performance Managements
Mitarbeit in Projekten zur Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung im Zentrum, in Arbeitskreisen der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft sowie im Personalentwicklungsprogramm des Forschungsbereichs Erde und Umwelt der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Netzwerkgestaltung mit relevanten internen Stakeholdern und kooperierenden Institutionen aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und öffentlichem Bereich
Ausbau der Digitalisierung im Bereich der Personalentwicklung
Wir bieten
Die Möglichkeit gemeinsam einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gestaltung einer vielfältigen und nachhaltigen Zukunft zu leisten
Einen spannenden, sicheren Arbeitsplatz mit abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben
Ein umfangreiches und hochwertiges Programm zur Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung
Flexible Arbeitszeiten und vielfältige Angebote zur Vereinbarkeit von Careaufgaben und Beruf durch unser Familienbüro
Kompetente Unterstützung und Beratung für internationale Kolleg*innen zum Ankommen am UFZ durch das ,International Office‘
Jahressonderzahlung, vermögenswirksame Leistungen sowie bezuschusstes Deutschland-Job-Ticket
Einen Arbeitsplatz in einer pulsierenden Region mit hoher Lebensqualität und sozialer und kultureller Vielfalt
Ihr Profil
Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Personal, Psychologie bzw. Sozial- oder Geisteswissenschaft oder vergleichbar (Master, Magister, Diplom)
Eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Promotion ist eindeutig von Vorteil für die Anforderungen dieser Position und daher ausdrücklich erwünscht
Mehrjährige Führungs- und einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Personalentwicklung, idealerweise im deutschen oder internationalen Wissenschaftssystem oder in Organisationen mit starkem Fokus auf Forschung und Entwicklung oder vergleichbar
Fundiertes methodisches Wissen sowie umfassende Erfahrung in Konzeption und Umsetzung von Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen, vor allem in der Entwicklung von Promovierenden, Postdocs und Führungskräften inkl. Assessment, Evaluierung und Qualitätssicherung
Ausbildung im Bereich Coaching, Beratung, Moderation, Facilitation, Training oder andere didaktische Qualifizierung erwünscht
Ausgezeichnete Networking- und Kommunikationskompetenzen, Lösungs- und Serviceorientierung und ein achtsames Gespür für verschiedene Gesprächssituationen
Ausgeprägte konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten, Gestaltungswille, Umsetzungsstärke und Interesse an Veränderung
Freude an der Arbeit in einem interprofessionellen Team und einem internationalen Umfeld
Erfahrung mit bzw. hohe Affinität für Digitalisierung und Digital Literacy
Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ | Teamleitung Promoting Talent (d/m/w)
Das UFZ schätzt Vielfalt und setzt sich aktiv für die Chancengleichheit aller Beschäftigten unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung, des Alters und der sexuellen Identität ein.Wir freuen uns auf Menschen, die diverse Hintergründe, Identitäten und Perspektiven repräsentieren. Daher ermutigen wir insbesondere Menschen, die von struktureller Diskriminierung betroffen sind, sich bei uns zu bewerben.
Leipzig, mobiles Arbeiten möglich
100 % (39 h/Woche)
Der Arbeitsplatz ist für eine Besetzung in Vollzeit oder in Teilzeit geeignet.
befristet / 2 Jahre – unbefristet bei Bewerbungen aus ungekündigten und unbefristeten Arbeitsverhältnissen
nach TVöD bis zur Entgeltgruppe 14 inklusive der Sozialleistungen des öffentlichen Dienstes
Fragen zur Stelle beantwortet Ihnen gerne:
Dr. Anne-Katrin Federow
Bitte reichen Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung über unser Online-Portal, inklusive Ihres Motivationsschreibens und relevanter Anlagen ein. Um eine faire Auswahl zu gewährleisten, reichen Sie bitte Ihren Lebenslauf ohne Foto, Altersangabe oder Familienstandsinformationen ein.
Jetzt bewerben
Weitere Karriereinformationen über das UFZ:
Helmholtz-Zentrum für
Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
Das Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ hat sich mit seinen 1.100 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern als internationales Kompetenzzentrum für Umweltwissenschaften einen hervorragenden Ruf erworben.
Wir sind Teil der größten Wissenschaftsorganisation Deutschlands – der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. Unsere Mission: Wir forschen für eine Balance zwischen gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung und langfristigem Schutz unserer Lebensgrundlagen – für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Teamleitung Promoting Talent (d/m/w)
Die Stelle
Für unser neu aufgestelltes Team »Promoting Talent« suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine engagierte Teamleitung. Wir verfolgen einen systemischen Ansatz des Talentmanagements: Im Team »Promoting Talent« werden die Personalentwicklung und Programme für alle Mitarbeitenden sowie für spezifische Zielgruppen, der Welcome- und Sprachservice für internationale Mitarbeitende und Serviceangebote zur Unterstützung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie sowie der Unternehmenskultur gebündelt.
Ihre Aufgaben
Leitung des Teams »Promoting Talent« mit den o. g. Kernaufgaben der Personalentwicklung
Strategische Neuausrichtung des neu aufgestellten Teams »Promoting Talent« am UFZ im Kontext nationaler und internationaler Entwicklungen im Wissenschaftssystem unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Stakeholder, Schnittstellen und des Teams
Konzeption, Durchführung sowie Evaluation eines zielgruppenspezifischen Programms zur Personalentwicklung für Fach- und Führungskräfte in wissenschaftlichen, technischen und administrativen Bereichen, insb. Implementierung eines Führungskräfte-Curriculums, Angebote zur Karriereberatung und -planung und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung von Promovierenden und Postdocs, Teamentwicklung und Konfliktmanagement
Identifikation zentrumsweiter Qualifizierungs-/Weiterbildungsbedarfe, Entwicklung von Präsenz- und digitalen Formaten, inkl. Auswahl von und Zusammenarbeit mit geeigneten Dienstleistern
Entwicklung von Kompetenz- und Anforderungsprofilen, insb. für verschiedene Karrierewege innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft sowie eines entsprechenden Assessments und begleitenden Performance Managements
Mitarbeit in Projekten zur Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung im Zentrum, in Arbeitskreisen der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft sowie im Personalentwicklungsprogramm des Forschungsbereichs Erde und Umwelt der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Netzwerkgestaltung mit relevanten internen Stakeholdern und kooperierenden Institutionen aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und öffentlichem Bereich
Ausbau der Digitalisierung im Bereich der Personalentwicklung
Wir bieten
Die Möglichkeit gemeinsam einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gestaltung einer vielfältigen und nachhaltigen Zukunft zu leisten
Einen spannenden, sicheren Arbeitsplatz mit abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben
Ein umfangreiches und hochwertiges Programm zur Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung
Flexible Arbeitszeiten und vielfältige Angebote zur Vereinbarkeit von Careaufgaben und Beruf durch unser Familienbüro
Kompetente Unterstützung und Beratung für internationale Kolleg*innen zum Ankommen am UFZ durch das ,International Office‘
Jahressonderzahlung, vermögenswirksame Leistungen sowie bezuschusstes Deutschland-Job-Ticket
Einen Arbeitsplatz in einer pulsierenden Region mit hoher Lebensqualität und sozialer und kultureller Vielfalt
Ihr Profil
Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Personal, Psychologie bzw. Sozial- oder Geisteswissenschaft oder vergleichbar (Master, Magister, Diplom)
Eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Promotion ist eindeutig von Vorteil für die Anforderungen dieser Position und daher ausdrücklich erwünscht
Mehrjährige Führungs- und einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Personalentwicklung, idealerweise im deutschen oder internationalen Wissenschaftssystem oder in Organisationen mit starkem Fokus auf Forschung und Entwicklung oder vergleichbar
Fundiertes methodisches Wissen sowie umfassende Erfahrung in Konzeption und Umsetzung von Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen, vor allem in der Entwicklung von Promovierenden, Postdocs und Führungskräften inkl. Assessment, Evaluierung und Qualitätssicherung
Ausbildung im Bereich Coaching, Beratung, Moderation, Facilitation, Training oder andere didaktische Qualifizierung erwünscht
Ausgezeichnete Networking- und Kommunikationskompetenzen, Lösungs- und Serviceorientierung und ein achtsames Gespür für verschiedene Gesprächssituationen
Ausgeprägte konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten, Gestaltungswille, Umsetzungsstärke und Interesse an Veränderung
Freude an der Arbeit in einem interprofessionellen Team und einem internationalen Umfeld
Erfahrung mit bzw. hohe Affinität für Digitalisierung und Digital Literacy
Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Research Associate (Postdoc, PhD) HIPOLE Jena
Research Associate (Postdoc, PhD) HIPOLE Jena Reference No.: HI 2024/14 Achieving climate neutrality within the next 20 years will require a surge in innovation for the development of highly efficient, scalable, cost-effective and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymeric materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena integrates and extends world-class expertise in polymer ... Weiterlesen ...Jobbeschreibung
Research Associate (Postdoc, PhD) HIPOLE Jena Reference No.: HI 2024/14 Achieving climate neutrality within the next 20 years will require a surge in innovation for the development of highly efficient, scalable, cost-effective and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymeric materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena integrates and extends world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence with complementary expertise in inorganic / hybrid materials, scalable devices and advanced characterisation. We are now looking for three research associate / PhD students and one post-doc for our site in Jena, Germany. You will have the chance to support the newly founded institute with your ideas and expertise from the very beginning and will collaborate with researchers from all over the world to contribute to the development of a climate-friendly future. The research focus should be on the topic of sustainable polymer research with a focus on polymers for energy applications, working on the following thematic area: * Polymer membranes for electrochemical energy storage and converters For more information on our thematic focus, please visit Homepage – HIPOLE Jena Website <>. The positions are located in the department of Professor Dr. Yan Lu, whose working group within HIPOLE Jena is dedicated to the development and production of functional hybrid materials. A particular focus here is on the detailed characterisation of materials and devices. This is also carried out using advanced operando methods. One position is assigned to the department of Prof. Dr. Felix Schacher, who is based at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ( . As an associate member, he has been part of HIPOLE Jena since the institute was founded and is involved in preparative polymer chemistry, as well as the self-organisation and investigation of nanostructured polymer materials. The positions in Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert's department at HIPOLE Jena focus on polymer-based batteries (from printable thin-film polymer batteries to scalable redox flow batteries). In particular, the synthesis of polymer materials and their characterisation and application in energy storage systems are in the foreground. Your Tasks Area A: * Synthesis and characterisation of novel monomers and polymers for use as membranes in photoelectrochemical cells and redox flow batteries (e.g. based on polysulfones) * Functionalisation and structural characterisation of polymers * Characterisation and testing of membranes in suitable systems * Evaluation of established and new synthesis routes from a sustainability perspective * Summary, presentation and publication of the results (in English) Area B: * Characterisation of the polymer membranes by means of X-ray scattering * Assembly and electrochemical characterisation of polymer-based batteries * Characterisation of the battery cell using 3D imaging methods (in situ / operando) * Summary, presentation and publication of the results (in English) Your Profile PhD: successful university degree in chemistry or a comparable degree programme Post-doc: successful university degree in chemistry or a comparable degree programme and doctorate in electrochemistry, physical chemistry, chemistry, materials science and materials engineering or a closely related field with sound knowledge of electrochemistry and battery research * Very good knowledge of polymer chemistry and polymer physics * Knowledge of electrochemistry * Knowledge of basic analytical techniques and methods * Knowledge of the production and characterisation of battery cells * Very good written and spoken English skills You demonstrate a high degree of motivation, initiative and willingness to familiarise yourself with a wide range of tasks and are characterised by your ability to work in a team, reliability, independence and communication skills. You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, international team in a diverse and dynamic working environment. Your Benefits * An international / diversity-sensitive working environment at a Helmholtz institute with a workplace in the science city Jena * Good work-life balance (flexible work time models: flextime, part-time) * 30 days paid leave * Health management, company pension scheme (VBL) * Financial support for public transport (Deutschlandticket Job) * Opportunities for further development / training opportunities * And a team that looks forward to meeting you! Fixed term contract for 24 months. The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund). How to apply The fixed-term basis is dependent on the activity as a * Post-doc (m/f/d) – 24 months * PhD student (m/f/d) – 48 months We look forward to receiving your application via our application management system by 17.01.2025. For reasons of data protection regulations, we are unfortunately unable to consider applications that reach us by other means (such as email or mail) in the application process. We very much want our workplace to be diverse, and welcome applications from people with different backgrounds. It is our mission to promote equal opportunities and to improve women’s representation in the workforce. We are therefore very interested in receiving applications from women. Where the qualifications are met, we will give preference to people with disabilities. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin ➜ APPLY HERE! At the newly founded Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE) in Jena HZB and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) / Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) join forces in the field of energy storage and conversion. Join us and help us achieve our goal! Find out more on our website or the website of the HZB . Climate change poses serious challenges to the whole world. At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we are researching materials for a climate-neutral future. 1,200 employees from all over the world work together to achieve this goal at the site in Berlin. CONTACT Franziska Hein +49 3641 948981 IMPRINT & DATA PROTECTION
Research Associate (Postdoc, PhD) HIPOLE Jena
Research Associate (Postdoc, PhD) HIPOLE Jena Reference No.: HI 2024/14 Achieving climate neutrality within the next 20 years will require a surge in innovation for the development of highly efficient, scalable, cost-effective and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymeric materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena integrates and extends world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence with complementary expertise in inorganic / hybrid materials, scalable devices and advanced characterisation. We are now looking for three research associate / PhD students and one post-doc for our site in Jena, Germany. You will have the chance to support the newly founded institute with your ideas and expertise from the very beginning and will collaborate with researchers from all over the world to contribute to the development of a climate-friendly future. The research focus should be on the topic of sustainable polymer research with a focus on polymers for energy applications, working on the following thematic area: * Polymer membranes for electrochemical energy storage and converters For more information on our thematic focus, please visit Homepage – HIPOLE Jena Website <>. The positions are located in the department of Professor Dr. Yan Lu, whose working group within HIPOLE Jena is dedicated to the development and production of functional hybrid materials. A particular focus here is on the detailed characterisation of materials and devices. This is also carried out using advanced operando methods. One position is assigned to the department of Prof. Dr. Felix Schacher, who is based at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena ( . As an associate member, he has been part of HIPOLE Jena since the institute was founded and is involved in preparative polymer chemistry, as well as the self-organisation and investigation of nanostructured polymer materials. The positions in Prof. Dr. Ulrich S. Schubert's department at HIPOLE Jena focus on polymer-based batteries (from printable thin-film polymer batteries to scalable redox flow batteries). In particular, the synthesis of polymer materials and their characterisation and application in energy storage systems are in the foreground. Your Tasks Area A: * Synthesis and characterisation of novel monomers and polymers for use as membranes in photoelectrochemical cells and redox flow batteries (e.g. based on polysulfones) * Functionalisation and structural characterisation of polymers * Characterisation and testing of membranes in suitable systems * Evaluation of established and new synthesis routes from a sustainability perspective * Summary, presentation and publication of the results (in English) Area B: * Characterisation of the polymer membranes by means of X-ray scattering * Assembly and electrochemical characterisation of polymer-based batteries * Characterisation of the battery cell using 3D imaging methods (in situ / operando) * Summary, presentation and publication of the results (in English) Your Profile PhD: successful university degree in chemistry or a comparable degree programme Post-doc: successful university degree in chemistry or a comparable degree programme and doctorate in electrochemistry, physical chemistry, chemistry, materials science and materials engineering or a closely related field with sound knowledge of electrochemistry and battery research * Very good knowledge of polymer chemistry and polymer physics * Knowledge of electrochemistry * Knowledge of basic analytical techniques and methods * Knowledge of the production and characterisation of battery cells * Very good written and spoken English skills You demonstrate a high degree of motivation, initiative and willingness to familiarise yourself with a wide range of tasks and are characterised by your ability to work in a team, reliability, independence and communication skills. You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, international team in a diverse and dynamic working environment. Your Benefits * An international / diversity-sensitive working environment at a Helmholtz institute with a workplace in the science city Jena * Good work-life balance (flexible work time models: flextime, part-time) * 30 days paid leave * Health management, company pension scheme (VBL) * Financial support for public transport (Deutschlandticket Job) * Opportunities for further development / training opportunities * And a team that looks forward to meeting you! Fixed term contract for 24 months. The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund). How to apply The fixed-term basis is dependent on the activity as a * Post-doc (m/f/d) – 24 months * PhD student (m/f/d) – 48 months We look forward to receiving your application via our application management system by 17.01.2025. For reasons of data protection regulations, we are unfortunately unable to consider applications that reach us by other means (such as email or mail) in the application process. We very much want our workplace to be diverse, and welcome applications from people with different backgrounds. It is our mission to promote equal opportunities and to improve women’s representation in the workforce. We are therefore very interested in receiving applications from women. Where the qualifications are met, we will give preference to people with disabilities. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin ➜ APPLY HERE! At the newly founded Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE) in Jena HZB and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) / Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) join forces in the field of energy storage and conversion. Join us and help us achieve our goal! Find out more on our website or the website of the HZB . Climate change poses serious challenges to the whole world. At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we are researching materials for a climate-neutral future. 1,200 employees from all over the world work together to achieve this goal at the site in Berlin. CONTACT Franziska Hein +49 3641 948981 IMPRINT & DATA PROTECTION
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena and/or Berlin
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena and/or Berlin Reference No.: HI 2024/17 Achieving climate-neutrality within the next 20 years necessitates an innovation boost for the development of highly efficient, scalable, low-cost, and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymer materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena deeply integrates and expands world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials ... Weiterlesen ...Jobbeschreibung
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena and/or Berlin Reference No.: HI 2024/17 Achieving climate-neutrality within the next 20 years necessitates an innovation boost for the development of highly efficient, scalable, low-cost, and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymer materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena deeply integrates and expands world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence with complementary expertise in inorganic / hybrid materials, scalable devices, and advanced characterization. We are looking for a PhD student (m/f/d) for our site in Jena, Germany. You will have the chance to support the newly founded institute with your ideas and expertise from the very beginning and will collaborate with researchers from all over the world to contribute to the development of a climate-friendly future. The research focus should be on the topic of sustainable polymer research with a focus on polymers for energy applications, working on the following thematic area: * Computer-aided modelling of catalytic processes and screening methods of molecular solar thermal storage (MOST) compounds For more information on our thematic focus, please visit Homepage – HIPOLE Jena Website . Your Tasks * Screening of molecular solar thermal energy storage (MOST) systems such as 2-thiophenylazobenzene derivatives using quantum chemical methods and machine learning tools * Development of design concepts for the optimisation of MOST systems * Investigation of the influence of intermolecular interactions on the properties of MOST systems * Methods: in particular density functional theory, semiempirical methods, wave function-based methods and machine learning are used here * Summary, presentation and publication of the results * Close collaboration with experimental and theoretical research groups from Giessen, Erlangen, Tübingen, Frankfurt and Heidelberg Your Profile * University degree in chemistry or a comparable course of study * Very good knowledge of theoretical chemistry / quantum chemistry and/or material modelling * Experience in working with Linux systems and mainframe computers * Experience in the field of machine learning is desirable * Very good knowledge of written and spoken English You demonstrate a high degree of motivation, initiative and willingness to familiarize yourself with a wide range of tasks and are characterized by your ability to work in a team, reliability, independence and communication skills. You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, international team in a diverse and dynamic work environment. Your Benefits at HZB * International / diversity-sensitive working environment in the science city of Jena * Opportunity to contribute to the development of novel materials and technological solutions for a climate-neutral future together with top international researchers * Career-enhancing networking opportunities and individual support and assistance programmes * good work-life balance through counselling services on family and career and flexible working time models: Flexitime, part-time, hybrid working * 30 days paid leave * Health management, company pension scheme (VBL), subsidy for the Deutschlandticket Job * Long-term prospects, opportunities for further development / training programmes * Attractive remuneration through payment in accordance with the collective agreement for the public sector (TVöD-Bund) and a team that is looking forward to meeting you! Fixed term contract for 48 months. The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund). How to apply The employment contract as a PhD is limited to 48 months. We look forward to receiving your application via our application management system by 17.01.2025. For reasons of data protection regulations, we are unfortunately unable to consider applications that reach us by other means (such as email or mail) in the application process. We very much want our workplace to be diverse, and welcome applications from people with different backgrounds. It is our mission to promote equal opportunities and to improve women’s representation in the workforce. We are therefore very interested in receiving applications from women. Where the qualifications are met, we will give preference to people with disabilities. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin ➜ APPLY HERE! At the newly founded Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE) in Jena HZB and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) / Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) join forces in the field of energy storage and conversion. Join us and help us achieve our goal! Find out more on our website or the website of the HZB . Climate change poses serious challenges to the whole world. At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we are researching materials for a climate-neutral future. 1,200 employees from all over the world work together to achieve this goal at the site in Berlin. CONTACT Franziska Hein +49 3641 948981 IMPRINT & DATA PROTECTION
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena and/or Berlin
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena and/or Berlin Reference No.: HI 2024/17 Achieving climate-neutrality within the next 20 years necessitates an innovation boost for the development of highly efficient, scalable, low-cost, and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymer materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena deeply integrates and expands world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence with complementary expertise in inorganic / hybrid materials, scalable devices, and advanced characterization. We are looking for a PhD student (m/f/d) for our site in Jena, Germany. You will have the chance to support the newly founded institute with your ideas and expertise from the very beginning and will collaborate with researchers from all over the world to contribute to the development of a climate-friendly future. The research focus should be on the topic of sustainable polymer research with a focus on polymers for energy applications, working on the following thematic area: * Computer-aided modelling of catalytic processes and screening methods of molecular solar thermal storage (MOST) compounds For more information on our thematic focus, please visit Homepage – HIPOLE Jena Website . Your Tasks * Screening of molecular solar thermal energy storage (MOST) systems such as 2-thiophenylazobenzene derivatives using quantum chemical methods and machine learning tools * Development of design concepts for the optimisation of MOST systems * Investigation of the influence of intermolecular interactions on the properties of MOST systems * Methods: in particular density functional theory, semiempirical methods, wave function-based methods and machine learning are used here * Summary, presentation and publication of the results * Close collaboration with experimental and theoretical research groups from Giessen, Erlangen, Tübingen, Frankfurt and Heidelberg Your Profile * University degree in chemistry or a comparable course of study * Very good knowledge of theoretical chemistry / quantum chemistry and/or material modelling * Experience in working with Linux systems and mainframe computers * Experience in the field of machine learning is desirable * Very good knowledge of written and spoken English You demonstrate a high degree of motivation, initiative and willingness to familiarize yourself with a wide range of tasks and are characterized by your ability to work in a team, reliability, independence and communication skills. You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, international team in a diverse and dynamic work environment. Your Benefits at HZB * International / diversity-sensitive working environment in the science city of Jena * Opportunity to contribute to the development of novel materials and technological solutions for a climate-neutral future together with top international researchers * Career-enhancing networking opportunities and individual support and assistance programmes * good work-life balance through counselling services on family and career and flexible working time models: Flexitime, part-time, hybrid working * 30 days paid leave * Health management, company pension scheme (VBL), subsidy for the Deutschlandticket Job * Long-term prospects, opportunities for further development / training programmes * Attractive remuneration through payment in accordance with the collective agreement for the public sector (TVöD-Bund) and a team that is looking forward to meeting you! Fixed term contract for 48 months. The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund). How to apply The employment contract as a PhD is limited to 48 months. We look forward to receiving your application via our application management system by 17.01.2025. For reasons of data protection regulations, we are unfortunately unable to consider applications that reach us by other means (such as email or mail) in the application process. We very much want our workplace to be diverse, and welcome applications from people with different backgrounds. It is our mission to promote equal opportunities and to improve women’s representation in the workforce. We are therefore very interested in receiving applications from women. Where the qualifications are met, we will give preference to people with disabilities. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin ➜ APPLY HERE! At the newly founded Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE) in Jena HZB and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) / Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) join forces in the field of energy storage and conversion. Join us and help us achieve our goal! Find out more on our website or the website of the HZB . Climate change poses serious challenges to the whole world. At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we are researching materials for a climate-neutral future. 1,200 employees from all over the world work together to achieve this goal at the site in Berlin. CONTACT Franziska Hein +49 3641 948981 IMPRINT & DATA PROTECTION
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena Reference No.: HI 2024/15 Achieving climate-neutrality within the next 20 years necessitates an innovation boost for the development of highly efficient, scalable, low-cost, and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymer materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena deeply integrates and expands world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput ... Weiterlesen ...Jobbeschreibung
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena Reference No.: HI 2024/15 Achieving climate-neutrality within the next 20 years necessitates an innovation boost for the development of highly efficient, scalable, low-cost, and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymer materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena deeply integrates and expands world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence with complementary expertise in inorganic / hybrid materials, scalable devices, and advanced characterization. We are looking for a PhD student (m/f/d) for our site in Jena, Germany. You will have the chance to support the newly founded institute with your ideas and expertise from the very beginning and will collaborate with researchers from all over the world to contribute to the development of a climate-friendly future. The research focus should be on the topic of sustainable polymer research with a focus on polymers for energy applications, working on the following thematic area: * Solar rechargeable redox flow batteries – synthesis, characterisation, charge transfer dynamics For more information on our thematic focus, please visit Homepage – HIPOLE Jena Website . Your Tasks * Synthesis and characterisation of novel molecular photosensitizers for application in solar rechargeable redox flow batteries * Photochemical and photophysical characterisation of chromophores and assemblates * Assembly and (photo)electrochemical characterisation of solar rechargeable batteries * Characterisation of light-driven electron transfer dynamics using steady-state and time-resolved emission spectroscopy and transient absorption spectroscopy * Summary, presentation and publication of the results Your Profile * University degree in chemistry or a comparable course of study * Very good knowledge of photochemistry * Good experience in chemical molecular synthesis. * Knowledge of electrochemistry * Knowledge of basic analytical techniques and methods * Very good command of written and spoken English You demonstrate a high degree of motivation, initiative and willingness to familiarize yourself with a wide range of tasks and are characterized by your ability to work in a team, reliability, independence and communication skills. You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, international team in a diverse and dynamic work environment. Your Benefits at HZB * International / diversity-sensitive working environment in the science city of Jena * Opportunity to contribute to the development of novel materials and technological solutions for a climate-neutral future together with top international researchers * Career-enhancing networking opportunities and individual support and assistance programmes * Good work-life balance through counselling services on family and career and flexible working time models: Flexitime, part-time, hybrid working * 30 days paid leave * Health management, company pension scheme (VBL), subsidy for public transport (Deutschlandticket Jobticket) * Long-term prospects, opportunities for further development / training programmes * Attractive remuneration through payment in accordance with the collective agreement for the public sector (TVöD-Bund) and a team that is looking forward to meeting you! Fixed term contract for 48 months. The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund). How to apply The employment contract as a PhD is limited to 48 months. We look forward to receiving your application via our application management system by 17.01.2025. For reasons of data protection regulations, we are unfortunately unable to consider applications that reach us by other means (such as email or mail) in the application process. We very much want our workplace to be diverse, and welcome applications from people with different backgrounds. It is our mission to promote equal opportunities and to improve women’s representation in the workforce. We are therefore very interested in receiving applications from women. Where the qualifications are met, we will give preference to people with disabilities. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin ➜ APPLY HERE! At the newly founded Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE) in Jena HZB and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) / Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) join forces in the field of energy storage and conversion. Join us and help us achieve our goal! Find out more on our website or the website of the HZB . Climate change poses serious challenges to the whole world. At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we are researching materials for a climate-neutral future. 1,200 employees from all over the world work together to achieve this goal at the site in Berlin. CONTACT Franziska Hein +49 3641 948981 IMPRINT & DATA PROTECTION
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena
Doctoral Student HIPOLE Jena Reference No.: HI 2024/15 Achieving climate-neutrality within the next 20 years necessitates an innovation boost for the development of highly efficient, scalable, low-cost, and sustainably produced energy technologies. Polymer materials play a central role in this process. HIPOLE Jena deeply integrates and expands world-class expertise in polymer chemistry, materials science, high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence with complementary expertise in inorganic / hybrid materials, scalable devices, and advanced characterization. We are looking for a PhD student (m/f/d) for our site in Jena, Germany. You will have the chance to support the newly founded institute with your ideas and expertise from the very beginning and will collaborate with researchers from all over the world to contribute to the development of a climate-friendly future. The research focus should be on the topic of sustainable polymer research with a focus on polymers for energy applications, working on the following thematic area: * Solar rechargeable redox flow batteries – synthesis, characterisation, charge transfer dynamics For more information on our thematic focus, please visit Homepage – HIPOLE Jena Website . Your Tasks * Synthesis and characterisation of novel molecular photosensitizers for application in solar rechargeable redox flow batteries * Photochemical and photophysical characterisation of chromophores and assemblates * Assembly and (photo)electrochemical characterisation of solar rechargeable batteries * Characterisation of light-driven electron transfer dynamics using steady-state and time-resolved emission spectroscopy and transient absorption spectroscopy * Summary, presentation and publication of the results Your Profile * University degree in chemistry or a comparable course of study * Very good knowledge of photochemistry * Good experience in chemical molecular synthesis. * Knowledge of electrochemistry * Knowledge of basic analytical techniques and methods * Very good command of written and spoken English You demonstrate a high degree of motivation, initiative and willingness to familiarize yourself with a wide range of tasks and are characterized by your ability to work in a team, reliability, independence and communication skills. You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary, international team in a diverse and dynamic work environment. Your Benefits at HZB * International / diversity-sensitive working environment in the science city of Jena * Opportunity to contribute to the development of novel materials and technological solutions for a climate-neutral future together with top international researchers * Career-enhancing networking opportunities and individual support and assistance programmes * Good work-life balance through counselling services on family and career and flexible working time models: Flexitime, part-time, hybrid working * 30 days paid leave * Health management, company pension scheme (VBL), subsidy for public transport (Deutschlandticket Jobticket) * Long-term prospects, opportunities for further development / training programmes * Attractive remuneration through payment in accordance with the collective agreement for the public sector (TVöD-Bund) and a team that is looking forward to meeting you! Fixed term contract for 48 months. The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund). How to apply The employment contract as a PhD is limited to 48 months. We look forward to receiving your application via our application management system by 17.01.2025. For reasons of data protection regulations, we are unfortunately unable to consider applications that reach us by other means (such as email or mail) in the application process. We very much want our workplace to be diverse, and welcome applications from people with different backgrounds. It is our mission to promote equal opportunities and to improve women’s representation in the workforce. We are therefore very interested in receiving applications from women. Where the qualifications are met, we will give preference to people with disabilities. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1, 14109 Berlin ➜ APPLY HERE! At the newly founded Helmholtz Institute for Polymers in Energy Applications Jena (HIPOLE) in Jena HZB and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) / Center for Energy and Environmental Chemistry Jena (CEEC Jena) join forces in the field of energy storage and conversion. Join us and help us achieve our goal! Find out more on our website or the website of the HZB . Climate change poses serious challenges to the whole world. At Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), we are researching materials for a climate-neutral future. 1,200 employees from all over the world work together to achieve this goal at the site in Berlin. CONTACT Franziska Hein +49 3641 948981 IMPRINT & DATA PROTECTION