University Professor (m/f/x) of Ancient History (W 3 salary level)

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ArbeitgeberOtto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg / University of Bamberg
Gepostet am20.09.2024
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Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - LogoOtto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - LogoThe Faculty of Humanities invites applications for the position of aUniversity Professor (m/f/x) of Ancient History(W 3 salary level)as a fully tenured civil servant to be filled as of the 2025 summer semester.The successful candidate will represent the subject in research and teaching, covering Ancient History in all its breadth with a focus on the period before the beginning of Late Antiquity. Experience in the acquisition and implementation of externally funded research projects as well as an active willingness to engage in interdisciplinary cooperations, for example with the Centre for Medieval Studies (ZEMAS), the Centre for Innovative Applications of Computer Science (ZIAI), or the Centre for Teacher Education Bamberg (ZLB), are required. With regard to the existing research focus «Digital Humanities, Social and Human Sciences» at the University of Bamberg, experience with the implementation of relevant projects is highly desirable.The holder of the post is expected to contribute to the teaching of all degree programs in which the subject is involved (BA, MA, teaching degree), as is participation in relevant doctoral programs.The successful candidate is also expected to contribute to academic self-government and international exchange programs.The relevant qualifications consist of a completed academic degree, pedagogical aptitude, and a particular talent for academic work generally substantiated by the excellent qualification of the candidate's doctoral degree and, in addition to this, further academic achievements. Additional academic credentials must be certified by a Habilitation or equivalent academic qualification, which may also have been obtained through activities outside of higher education or within the scope of an assistant professorship.We welcome candidates with disabilities.The University of Bamberg has been certified by the Hertie Foundation as a family-friendly university and is particularly committed to helping reconcile work and family life. The university promotes gender equality in the workplace and endeavors to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. The faculty aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore welcomes applications from female scientists.The University of Bamberg is a member of the regional Dual Career Network (DCNN) and provides support for the spouses or partners of newly appointed staff. More information can be found at from abroad are particularly welcome. Both the ability and willingness to teach in English are required. As a rule, proficiency in German is a prerequisite for employment; in individual cases, courses may be offered exclusively in English during the first two years.Applications including relevant documents in German or English are generally to be submitted in electronic form to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Bamberg, 96045 Bamberg, no later than November 4, 2024 (e-mail: